
This Leads Section covers a variety of Freight, Carrier, Shipper and Industry Related Contacts to help you establish new relationships with Industry Pros. Each website has their own preferred method for you to contact them…contact forms, by email or telephone. The companies listed are long established, reputable companies in our business. It’s a day well spent to add these companies to your list, so take the time to visit their sites and reach out to these contacts.

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Leads : Entry # 392915
ABC Polymer Industries
Manufacturer/Shipper Lead
Polypropylene is one of the most important and readily available plastics in the manufacturing industry. We are the leading producer of extruded polypropylene products, including microsynthetic and macrosynthetic concrete fibers. We are also a major distributor of bulk bags, fibrillated yarns, synthetic snow, and more. We are proud to repeat over and over again that we have consistently maintained a 99% on-time delivery record.