
This Leads Section covers a variety of Freight, Carrier, Shipper and Industry Related Contacts to help you establish new relationships with Industry Pros. Each website has their own preferred method for you to contact them…contact forms, by email or telephone. The companies listed are long established, reputable companies in our business. It’s a day well spent to add these companies to your list, so take the time to visit their sites and reach out to these contacts.

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Leads : Entry # 392515
Complete Distribution Services, Inc.
Licensed Freight Brokers Seeking Carriers
Carriers are a vital partner in our ability to serve CDS customers, which is why we treat our carriers with the same respect, service and attention to detail as we do our customers.

We get our carriers paid fast. Payment is issued within 15 to 21 days from the date we receive your invoice with required documents and our goal is for you to have payment in hand within 30 days of the shipment date. We even offer QuickPay options to get you paid as quickly as 24 hours from the time we receive...