Site Rules
It is the goal of Trucking Planet to make this website the best community of trucking and freight professionals available anywhere online. It is our objective to bring a large shipping community to this site, potential new customers for our members and to ensure an excellent experience for all members and visitors.
Trucking Planet only accepts memberships from licensed motor carriers and their representatives, licensed freight brokers and their representatives and qualified industrial shippers.
Violations like the following can result in your account being suspended:
- Use of vulgarity or abusive language towards other members
- Posting illegal content, adult content or links to content that is illegal in nature
- Political debate
- Selling of products outside of the Trucking Planet membership charter (ie. apparel, retail items)
- Spamming Group email queues
- Posting copyright protected content
If, as a member of Trucking Planet, you believe another subscriber has violated our site rules, we ask that you let us know by getting in touch here.
Thank you for your continued support of Trucking Planet and for helping to make this the best online community for freight and trucking professionals.